EMD Serono, Canada, is committed to supporting couples with fertility concerns
You're not alone. There are several local patient and support groups that may be of help and support in this journey; your fertility clinic can recommend those that would best suit your needs.
Fertile Future is a national support group with a mandate of providing fertility preservation information and support services to Canadian cancer patients and their families. Fertile Future helps people who, prior to their reproductive years, face fertility-risking medical treatment. Fertile Future also maintains a database of fertility clinics by province, along with each clinic's fertility preservation services and offerings.
Phone: (613) 899-6697
Website: www.fertilefuture.ca
The Infertility Network is a registered Canadian independent charity providing users with information and support on fertility and related issues. They provide regular updates that include research, news stories, seminars, and new literature on the topic of infertility. The Infertility Network also offers newsletters, an infertility support group you can join, and free information kits delivered to your door.
160 Pickering St
Toronto, ON, M4E 3J7
Phone: 416 691-3611
Fax: 416-690-8015
Email: admin@Infertilitynetwork.org
Website: www.infertilitynetwork.org
Conceivable Dreams – The OHIP for IVF Coalition was founded by infertility patients Joanne Horibe, Ashley Bulley and Kerri Stanford. The group decided to use Facebook to unite infertility sufferers and their friends, families and supporters in the hope of having funding reinstated for IVF and ART. Conceivable Dreams is a group of caring people who have joined together to ask the Ontario government to reinstate funding for the treatment of Ontario’s infertile couples.
Email: info@conceivabledreams.org
Website: www.conceivabledreams.org
The Generations of Hope Fertility Assistance Fund was conceived in 2005 as an initiative of the Regional Fertility Program, Calgary. The primary objective of the Fund is to help patients of the Regional fertility program in Calgary who face fertility challenges and who also face serious financial challenges, making assisted reproductive technology through the Regional Fertility Program - particularly In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) - an unaffordable option for them. The Fund has a secondary objective of seeking to raise awareness of the wide-spread occurrence of infertility in Canada, and to increase awareness that the high direct and indirect costs of assisted reproductive technology is not funded by public health care and most private health insurance. The Fund is 100% supported by corporate and individual donations.
400, 2000 Veterans Place NW
Calgary, Alberta T3B 4N2
Phone: 403-284-9103
Fax: 403-284-9293
Email: info@generationsofhope.ca
Website: www.generationsofhope.ca