©2023 EMD Serono, a business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
adrenal (gland[s])adrenal (gland[s])adrenal glands are small glands that sit on top of the kidneys and produce certain hormones are small glands that sit on top of the kidneys and produce certain hormones
a variety of procedures used to bring about conceptionconceptionfertilization; when the sperm meets and penetrates the egg without sexual intercourse, including in vitro fertilization (IVFin vitro fertilization (IVF) a procedure by which eggs produced by administering fertility drugs are retrieved from a woman's body and fertilized by sperm in a laboratory, and the resulting embryos are transferred by catheter to the uterus) and other techniques
capable of inhibiting bacterial growth
describes any tumour or growth that is not malignantmalignantcancerous; or cancerous
fertilization; when the sperm meets and penetrates the egg
present from birth
a defect that is present at birth
stimulation of the ovariesovariesthe two sexual glands of the female where the eggs are stored and that produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone with various hormonal medications in order to develop as many folliclesfolliclessmall fluid-filled sacs in the ovary that contain the eggs released at ovulation; each month an egg develops inside the ovary in a follicle as possible, as well as to control the timing of ovulationovulationrelease of an egg from the ovary
a yellow mass of cells that forms in the ovary from a mature follicle that has already released the egg; it releases a hormonehormonea chemical substance produced in one part of the body that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs in another part of the body called progesteroneprogesteronea hormone produced by the corpus luteum during the second half of a woman's menstrual cycle; it thickens the lining of the uterus to prepare it to accept implantation of a fertilized egg
pregnancy where the embryoembryoa fertilized egg that has begun cell division is implanted outside the womb
a fertilized egg that has begun cell division
placing an egg fertilized outside the womb into a woman's uterusuterusthe womb or fallopian tube
a hormonehormonea chemical substance produced in one part of the body that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs in another part of the body that is produced by maturing folliclesfolliclessmall fluid-filled sacs in the ovary that contain the eggs released at ovulation; each month an egg develops inside the ovary in a follicle in the ovary and has several functions, including signaling the release of another hormonehormonea chemical substance produced in one part of the body that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs in another part of the body called luteinizing hormonehormonea chemical substance produced in one part of the body that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs in another part of the body and stimulating the female reproductive organs to prepare for possible fertilization of an egg
ducts through which eggs travel to the uterusuterusthe womb once released from the follicle in the ovary and the site at which fertilization usually occurs
a developing baby
excess gas in the intestinal tract
a hormonehormonea chemical substance produced in one part of the body that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs in another part of the body produced by the pituitary glandpituitary glandthe gland located at the base of the brain that secretes a number of important hormones that regulate fertility, as well as normal growth and development of the body in the brain that stimulates the growth of folliclesfolliclessmall fluid-filled sacs in the ovary that contain the eggs released at ovulation; each month an egg develops inside the ovary in a follicle in the ovariesovariesthe two sexual glands of the female where the eggs are stored and that produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone of women and sperm development in men
small fluid-filled sacs in the ovary that contain the eggs released at ovulationovulationrelease of an egg from the ovary; each month an egg develops inside the ovary in a follicle
relating to a follicle, which is a small fluid-filled sac in the ovary that contains an egg
outer diameter of a needle, indicating needle size
a hormonehormonea chemical substance produced in one part of the body that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs in another part of the body released from the hypothalamushypothalamusthe gland at the base of the brain that controls the release of hormones from the pituitary glands in the brain that signals the pituitary glandpituitary glandthe gland located at the base of the brain that secretes a number of important hormones that regulate fertility, as well as normal growth and development of the body (also in the brain) to release other hormones called luteinizing hormonehormonea chemical substance produced in one part of the body that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs in another part of the body and follicle-stimulating hormonefollicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)a hormone produced by the pituitary gland in the brain that stimulates the growth of follicles in the ovaries of women and sperm development in men (which cause folliclesfolliclessmall fluid-filled sacs in the ovary that contain the eggs released at ovulation; each month an egg develops inside the ovary in a follicle to develop and release a mature egg from the ovary)
reproductive hormones including luteinizing hormonehormonea chemical substance produced in one part of the body that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs in another part of the body and follicle-stimulating hormonefollicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)a hormone produced by the pituitary gland in the brain that stimulates the growth of follicles in the ovaries of women and sperm development in men (released by the pituitary glandpituitary glandthe gland located at the base of the brain that secretes a number of important hormones that regulate fertility, as well as normal growth and development of the body) and human chorionic gonadotropinhuman chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)a hormone produced in early pregnancy (released by the placenta after implantation of a fertilized egg) that keeps the corpus luteum producing other hormones that prevent menstruation (released by the placentaplacentathe sac-shaped organ that attaches the embryo or fetus to the uterus during pregnancy; blood flows between mother and fetus through the placenta)
a chemical substance produced in one part of the body that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs in another part of the body
a hormonehormonea chemical substance produced in one part of the body that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs in another part of the body produced in early pregnancy (released by the placentaplacentathe sac-shaped organ that attaches the embryo or fetus to the uterus during pregnancy; blood flows between mother and fetus through the placenta after implantation of a fertilized egg) that keeps the corpus luteumcorpus luteuma yellow mass of cells that forms in the ovary from a mature follicle that has already released the egg; it releases a hormone called progesterone producing other hormones that prevent menstruationmenstruationshedding of the uterine lining by bleeding, which (in the absence of pregnancy) normally occurs about once a month in the mature female
in women, a rare condition in which the pituitary glands do not release follicle-stimulating hormonefollicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)a hormone produced by the pituitary gland in the brain that stimulates the growth of follicles in the ovaries of women and sperm development in men or luteinizing hormonehormonea chemical substance produced in one part of the body that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs in another part of the body
the gland at the base of the brain that controls the release of hormones from the pituitary glands
a procedure by which eggs produced by administering fertility drugs are retrieved from a woman's body and fertilized by sperm in a laboratory, and the resulting embryos are transferred by catheter to the uterusuterusthe womb
bleeding between periods
injection into a muscle
a procedure in which a doctor places sperm directly into the uterusuterusthe womb through the cervix using a catheter
within the vagina
second half of the menstrual cyclemenstrual cycle (period)the monthly cycle of changes in the ovaries and the lining of the uterus, starting with the preparation of an egg for fertilization after ovulationovulationrelease of an egg from the ovary
a hormonehormonea chemical substance produced in one part of the body that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs in another part of the body release by the pituitary glandpituitary glandthe gland located at the base of the brain that secretes a number of important hormones that regulate fertility, as well as normal growth and development of the body in the brain that acts in the ovary to stimulate ripening of the follicle and formation of the corpus luteumcorpus luteuma yellow mass of cells that forms in the ovary from a mature follicle that has already released the egg; it releases a hormone called progesterone
the release of luteinizing hormonehormonea chemical substance produced in one part of the body that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs in another part of the body (LHluteinizing hormone (LH)a hormone release by the pituitary gland in the brain that acts in the ovary to stimulate ripening of the follicle and formation of the corpus luteum) that causes release of a mature egg from the follicle
the monthly cycle of changes in the ovariesovariesthe two sexual glands of the female where the eggs are stored and that produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone and the lining of the uterusuterusthe womb, starting with the preparation of an egg for fertilization
shedding of the uterineuterinerelating to the uterus (womb) lining by bleeding, which (in the absence of pregnancy) normally occurs about once a month in the mature female
spontaneous loss of a viable embryoembryoa fertilized egg that has begun cell division or fetusfetusa developing baby in the womb
relating to an ovary or the ovariesovariesthe two sexual glands of the female where the eggs are stored and that produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone
sacs containing fluid or semisolid material that develop in or on the surface of an ovary
a problem with ovary function
the failure of the ovary to respond to FSHfollicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)a hormone produced by the pituitary gland in the brain that stimulates the growth of follicles in the ovaries of women and sperm development in men stimulation from the pituitary because of damage to or malformation of the ovary, or because of a chronic disease such as autoimmune disease
OHSSovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS)OHSS is caused when the ovaries become overstimulated by the various hormones that cause follicular development; there is a sudden ovarian enlargement accompanied by fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity and this may occur with or without pain, and with or without accumulation of fluid in the lungs is caused when the ovariesovariesthe two sexual glands of the female where the eggs are stored and that produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone become overstimulated by the various hormones that cause follicularfollicularrelating to a follicle, which is a small fluid-filled sac in the ovary that contains an egg development; there is a sudden ovarianovarianrelating to an ovary or the ovaries enlargement accompanied by fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity and this may occur with or without pain, and with or without accumulation of fluid in the lungs
the two sexual glands of the female where the eggs are stored and that produce the hormones estrogenestrogena hormone that is produced by maturing follicles in the ovary and has several functions, including signaling the release of another hormone called luteinizing hormone and stimulating the female reproductive organs to prepare for possible fertilization of an egg and progesteroneprogesteronea hormone produced by the corpus luteum during the second half of a woman's menstrual cycle; it thickens the lining of the uterus to prepare it to accept implantation of a fertilized egg
release of an egg from the ovary
a substance that acts on ovulationovulationrelease of an egg from the ovary
the gland located at the base of the brain that secretes a number of important hormones that regulate fertility, as well as normal growth and development of the body
the sac-shaped organ that attaches the embryoembryoa fertilized egg that has begun cell division or fetusfetusa developing baby to the uterusuterusthe womb during pregnancy; blood flows between mother and fetusfetusa developing baby through the placentaplacentathe sac-shaped organ that attaches the embryo or fetus to the uterus during pregnancy; blood flows between mother and fetus through the placenta
the formation of cysts in the ovariesovariesthe two sexual glands of the female where the eggs are stored and that produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone that occurs when the follicle stops developing; it is due to a hormonal imbalance in the ovary
a hormonehormonea chemical substance produced in one part of the body that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or organs in another part of the body produced by the corpus luteumcorpus luteuma yellow mass of cells that forms in the ovary from a mature follicle that has already released the egg; it releases a hormone called progesterone during the second half of a woman's menstrual cyclemenstrual cycle (period)the monthly cycle of changes in the ovaries and the lining of the uterus, starting with the preparation of an egg for fertilization; it thickens the lining of the uterusuterusthe womb to prepare it to accept implantation of a fertilized egg
which numbered day of in vitro fertilization treatment during the stimulation phase when ovariesovariesthe two sexual glands of the female where the eggs are stored and that produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone are stimulated to produce eggs
administration of medication with a fine, small needle just below the surface of the skin, into fatty tissue
manmade or manufactured
a hollow cylinder fitted with a sliding plunger that is used for injections when a needle is attached
a test used instead of X-rays to visualize the reproductive organs; for example, to monitor follicularfollicularrelating to a follicle, which is a small fluid-filled sac in the ovary that contains an egg development
relating to the uterusuterusthe womb (womb)
the womb
WtE is a process where waste is burned in a controlled combustion chamber at high temperatures and reduced to 10% of its original volume (hence reducing landfill); the heat generated from the combustion chambers heats up water in steel tubes that form the walls of the combustion chambers and the water is turned to steam and sent through a turbine that continues generates electricity